Accessories · Experimenting · Medieval · Progress

On slashes and feathers and being hella cute

I haven't had much time for sewing this week, sadly. We opened up a new exhibiton at work yesterday, about the Spanish Influenza, the flu pandemic which killed more people than the First World War 100 years ago. Late evenings translating texts and building exhibitons meant little time and energy for making stuff when I… Continue reading On slashes and feathers and being hella cute

18th Century · Bunad · history lesson

National costumes on the National Independence Day!

Yesterday was Norway's National Day, one of my favourite holidays! On the 17th of May 1814, an assembly of Norwegian menfolk signed the Norwegian constitution, which made Norway an independent country after more than 400 years as a part of the Kingdom of Denmark. Now, I know that the constitution wasn't actually very liberal, compared to… Continue reading National costumes on the National Independence Day!